Easter Lunch
We had twenty-eight guests this year for our family and friends Egg Hunt lunch on the Saturday before Easter. Twenty-three were in the dining room and the five oldest kids were upstairs at their own table. The tablescape began with white hem-stitched cloths from Williams-Sonoma. We have an outlet mall only five miles away where I can get great deals on linens.
The Kids' Table
The Main Centerpiece
While we were in Round Top for their biannual antiques fair I bought lots of succulents, mossy plants, and a strawberry to use in galvanized containers for the three centerpieces I had in mind for the dining room table. Outside of Coles Antiques in Warrenton, I found two large round tubs and what I think is a baby bath tub, or small wash tub, to hold the plants.
I was afraid, once complete, the tubs would be too heavy to move so I assembled them right on the table which was already set. To keep the cloths from getting dirty, I put newsprint paper under them while I was working. I filled the tubs 2/3 full with crumbled up paper and styrofoam peanuts and then set the plants, still in their nursery pots, on top of the filler.
I added orchid plants and small tropicals inexpensively bought at Home Depot plus a log and branches from our yard.
I got the galvanized watering can and ceramic rabbit in Warrenton during the Antiques fair.
Another found piece was painted cast iron made to look like Lily of the Valley. For a centerpiece such as this, I like to mix soft and hard - orchids and cast iron, fern and succulents, moss and metal.
I planted two baby palms in a hotelware silverplate sugar bowl and
set it in one of the round tubs on top of the moss along with a couple of rocks I picked up by our road. Even if you don't live out in the country, take a drive and pick up items along the roadside. You can easily make a whole centerpiece from found plants, dried grasses, pebbles, bird nests, wild flowers, seed pods, rocks, moss, sticks, leaves, etc. This is a fun activity to do with your kids or Grand children.

After getting everything in and arranged to my liking, I filled in all around with the moss, another inexpensive purchase from Home Depot. It took about 8 bags full for these three centerpieces. The last thing I added was a few "Coscorones," or confetti eggs, in each.
I bought the little buckets from a catalog years ago even though, at the time, I had no specific use in mind. I have a "party closet" where I put things like this that I love because I know I will eventually use them.

At the top of each setting I placed a little salt dish and spoon and filled them with salt and pepper. Each salt dish is different. I have a set of 12 "Grande Baroque" salt spoons, several in a silverplate Lily of the Valley pattern, and the rest are all different so, as usual, I just mix them up.

Another found piece was painted cast iron made to look like Lily of the Valley. For a centerpiece such as this, I like to mix soft and hard - orchids and cast iron, fern and succulents, moss and metal.
I planted two baby palms in a hotelware silverplate sugar bowl and

The little ceramic bunnies were a new find that I got at the antiques fair in the big tent near Zapp Hall.

I bought 28 beautiful small succulents and planted them in tiny galvanized buckets to put at each place setting for the place cards to lean on and to be a take-home gift. It took a while to stand at the display and pick out that many individually but that's the only way to get the best and prettiest and if the guests are worth inviting to your home, they're worth the time it takes to make things as attractive as possible.
I bought the little buckets from a catalog years ago even though, at the time, I had no specific use in mind. I have a "party closet" where I put things like this that I love because I know I will eventually use them.

Away from the succulents and back to the table setting now. The flatware I used was "White Orchid," a vintage silverplate produced by Oneida in 1953. I thought it was a nice pattern for spring and also fit in with the centerpiece flowers.
I have both the normal dinner knife and fork and the "grill" size knife and fork, which is I generally reserve for lunches but if I need to use both I generally give the ladies the grill size.
I used a vintage plain white linen napkin with a silk Magnolia blossom napkin ring.
Since I did not have enough iced teas in either pattern, I mixed depression glass pink and green ones and clear ones from the same era, though thought more elegant at the time. The pink and green, even without etching, are more expensive now than the clear crystal. The pink and green, in any pattern, are always on my "look for" list whenever we're out antiquing.
I mixed two Lenox china patterns, "Aurora," and "Lenox Rose." This got started when I was out antiquing and bought what I thought was plates in my Mother's pattern but when I got home I realized they were quite different.
The "Aurora" below was my Mother's pattern. Now I collect both and mix them.

I used a salad plate for the "bitties" (youngest kids) with a salad fork and teaspoon, and a sippy cup for them to take home.
Even the youngest should have a pretty place setting! Though there have been a few spills and forks on the floor, I've never had them break anything.
I had this beautiful vintage quilt for sale at the spring Warrenton show last year, but thought better of it, knowing I'd regret it if it sold, so I took it home. I used it on the buffet table this year.
I wonder at the talent it took to make this quilt! Such beautiful hem-stitching, lace and embroidery. And I love the lemon yellow and gray-blue color scheme.
Flatware used for serving included the master butter knife, large tablespoon, buffet spoon, and meat fork.
I use this "tree" in the same urn over and over. It started out brown, with leaves clipped to it with clothes pins at Thanksgiving several years ago and I called it the "Grateful" tree because everyone took a leaf and wrote on it what they were grateful for. I also used it at Christmas with hanging vases and red roses.
This time it was hung with felt Easter ornaments that I bought from a lovely lady at Cole's Antiques in Warrenton.
The "tree" is a branch from our yard. The urn is full of sand with moss and river rocks on top.
A complete place setting on the big kids' table was very similar to the dining table except for the color scheme of the linens.
The dining room table complete and ready for guests.
For dessert, Sue "C" Cakes made me a replica of my 100' X 100' garden complete with veggies, hens, English bathtub, yellow brick walkway, and an Easter Bunny hiding eggs.
The Easter Bunny and me in the front yard.
Baked Ham with Orange Glaze
Herbed Leg of Lamb
Au Gratin Potatoes
Asparagus with David's Orange Hollandaise
Deviled Eggs
Southern Ambrosia
Wheat Rolls
Strawberry Cake with Celery-Green Citrusy Filling
All the Easter Candy You Can Eat!
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